Cloud Security Risk Assessment

Cloud Security

A survey conducted in 2020 uncovered that the biggest challenge when it came to cloud-based vulnerability management was compliance and auditing. 52% of those interviewed said they were having issues with auditing security issues, which they knew would eventually lead to security breaches. 

The dangers of cloud vulnerabilities can be categorized into two types: technical and non-technical. Technical risks include data loss, data breach, system crash, and malicious attacks on the cloud infrastructure. Non-technical risks include privacy issues and data ownership rights

Cloud Security

What is VA-PT for Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud Penetration Testing is an officially approved simulated cyber-attack on a system hosted on a Cloud provider, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure.

A cloud penetration test’s primary goal is to uncover a system’s weaknesses and strengths so that its security posture may be accurately assessed.

A cloud penetration test provides enhanced technical assurance and a deeper awareness of the attack surface to which your systems are vulnerable. Cloud systems, whether infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), or software as a service (SaaS), are vulnerable to security misconfigurations, flaws, and threats, just like traditional systems.


Cloud VA-PT

Cloud security testing provides you with the following benefits:

  • A clearer picture of your cloud estate. What cloud services do you offer? What systems do you make available to the public?
  • A comprehensive report on any typical security misconfigurations, as well as our advice for securing your cloud configuration.

Cloud Testing, whether a configuration review, a penetration test, or both, focuses primarily on examining the protection of these Key Areas:

Cloud Risk Assessment, SysYork Technologies

Touch Points of Cloud VA-PT

Cloud Configuration Review

is an evaluation of your Cloud configuration against industry best practises and standards. A report is created that includes a summary table that shows the benchmarks and whether you are following best practises, as well as individual technical findings that break down the results in greater detail, as well as thorough explanations and remediation guidance

Cloud Penetration Testing

Employs a combination of external and internal penetration testing approaches to analyse the organization's external posture. Unprotected storage blobs and S3 buckets, servers with administration ports open to the internet, and insufficient egress controls are examples of vulnerabilities discovered by this type of active testing

Cloud VA-PT Process

Identify all possible entry points into the environment – O365, Web Applications, Storage Blobs, S3 Buckets, SQL/RDS Databases, Azure Automation APIs, AWS APIs, Remote Desktops, VPNs, etc.

Ensure the users within the environment operate on a Principle of Least Privilege, are protected by robust multi factor authentication policies, as well as ensuring that known ‘bad passwords’ are prohibited from being used

This area of testing will examine storage blob permissions and those of subfolders, ensuring that only authenticated and authorised users can access the data within. Examination of databases (either on virtual machines running SQL Server, or running via Azure SQL) for security best practices is also covered.

Azure supports two types of virtual machines – Classic and v2. Testing will ensure that these virtual machines are protected via Network Security Groups (NSGs – analogous to firewalls) and their data is encrypted at rest. Where possible, audits of missing patches and their effects are included. Where virtual machines are publicly accessible, this will lead on to the examination of their external interfaces.

Cloud VAPT

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Let us help you identify all knowns and unknowns. 

You can’t secure what you can’t see or don’t Know